Sunday, 14 February 2016

Week 2: The coding of first routing protocol——Flooding

After the basic arrangement of the group in last week, the group began to code main program. On Tuesday, we summarized the activities and achievements for our academic supervisor in tutorial meeting, and then we determined that our general recognition of project is right. In addition, basic solution of how to connect all nodes for ensuring the sensors network connectivity was formed, which is to build a matrix and each element represents whether two nodes are connected and Logic 1 means connection. In addition, the supervisor advised that we need to generate the diagram of sensors connectivity, which is convenient for judge whether all nodes are connected in system.

Firstly, the fundamental definition of flooding was determined. Flooding is an old technique for sensor network, it requires node to transmission the data package to their neighboring nodes and the transmission will stop until the data is received by the goal node. Another three routing protocols are based on flooding, thus the program should be began from flooding for high work efficiency. For better understanding the flooding, the diagram of communication between sensors network is shown below.

Figure 1: the working diagram of Flooding

According to the advice of supervisor, an adjacency matrix is achieved for judging if two codes in system are connected. The specific code is shown below.

function main()
       a0 =     0.09222;
       a1 =    -0.02355;
       b1 =     -0.1881;
       a2 =    -0.08995;
       b2 =     0.02183;
       a3 =   5.342e-05;
       b3 =    0.008936;
       a4 =    -0.01734;
       b4 =     0.01367;
       a5 =    0.008954;
       b5 =    0.008516;
       w =      0.3664;
  date = 0; %%initialize date
  time = 0; %%~ time(in second, 0 to 3600*24 for each day)
  totalNode = 16;
  sensorArray = cell(1,totalNode);
  delivered = 0; totalDev = 0;
  distMatrix = zeros(totalNode,totalNode);%%
  adjMatrix = zeros(totalNode,totalNode);%%
  cMatrix = zeros(totalNode,totalNode);
  XY = zeros(totalNode,2);  %%these three variables are used to draw adjacency graph
  connected = 0;
  connectCounter = 0;
 for num = 1:1:totalNode
     x = unifrnd(0,25);
     y = unifrnd(0,25);
     sensorArray(num) = {sensorNode(num,num,x,y)}; %%construct the nodes

     from = randi([1,totalNode],1);  %%generate a node which transmit data
     to = randi([1,totalNode],1%%generate some nodes which are objective nodes
%%plot the 3d graph
 for i = 1:1:totalNode    %% construct the sensor array
     XY(i,1) = sensorArray{i}.x;
     XY(i,2) = sensorArray{i}.y; %%define the axis
     for j = 1:1:totalNode
         distMatrix(i,j) = sqrt((sensorArray{i}.x-sensorArray{j}.x)^2 + (sensorArray{i}.y-sensorArray{j}.y)^2);
         if distMatrix(i,j) < 10 && distMatrix(i,j) ~= 0
             adjMatrix(i,j) = 1%%generate adjacency matrix
             sensorArray{i} = sensorArray{i}.addSubnode(sensorArray{j});  %%for any node that can be reached, add it as bunNode
             sensorArray{j} = sensorArray{j}.addSuper(sensorArray{i});

   cMatrix = conMatrix(adjMatrix,totalNode);
   cMatrix2 = cMatrix;
   for i = 1:1:totalNode
          hold on;          %plot all the points
           cMatrix2(i,i) = 1%cpy
   for i = 1:1:totalNode
       for j = 1:1:totalNode
           if cMatrix2(i,j) ~= 0
               connectCounter = connectCounter + 1
   if connectCounter == totalNode^2
       connected = 1;
   if connected == 0
       disp('the network cannot be connected');
   while connected == 1  %%start of while
       allHaveEnergy = 0;
       time = time + 900
       t = (time)/3600;
       power =  a0 + a1*cos(t*w) + b1*sin(t*w) + a2*cos(2*t*w) + b2*sin(2*t*w) + a3*cos(3*t*w) + b3*sin(3*t*w) + a4*cos(4*t*w) + b4*sin(4*t*w) + a5*cos(5*t*w) + b5*sin(5*t*w);
       power1 = a0 + a1*cos((t+0.25)*w) + b1*sin((t+0.25)*w) + a2*cos(2*(t+0.25)*w) + b2*sin(2*(t+0.25)*w) + a3*cos(3*(t+0.25)*w) + b3*sin(3*(t+0.25)*w) + a4*cos(4*(t+0.25)*w) + b4*sin(4*(t+0.25)*w) + a5*cos(5*(t+0.25)*w) + b5*sin(5*(t+0.25)*w);
       energy = (power + power1)*0.25/2;
       p = unifrnd(0,1);
       if p <= 0.3
       from = randi([1,4],1);  %%generate a node which transmit data
       to = randi([5,16],1);  %%generate some nodes which are objective nodes
       for focusi = 1:1:totalNode
           sensorArray{focusi}.focus = 0;
       sensorArray{from}.focus = 1;
       sensorArray = Flooding(sensorArray,totalNode,from,to);
       plotx = zeros(1,totalNode);
       ploty = zeros(1,totalNode);
       plotEnergy = zeros(1,totalNode);
             for iter = 1:1:totalNode  %%plot the energy distribution graph
                  sensorArray{iter}.energy = sensorArray{iter}.energy + energy;
                  plotx(iter)= sensorArray{iter}.x;
                  ploty(iter) = sensorArray{iter}.y;
                  plotEnergy(iter) = sensorArray{iter}.energy;
                  hold on;
                            counter = 0;             %%percentage of successful delivery
                             for k = 1:1:length(to)
                              if sensorArray{to(k)}.haveData == 1
                                counter = counter + 1;
                             if counter ~= 0
                                 delivered = delivered + 1;
                                 totalDev = totalDev + 1;
                                 totalDev = totalDev + 1;
       if time >= 3600*24
           date = date + 1;
           time = 0;
       for iter1 = 1:1:totalNode
                   if sensorArray{iter1}.energy>0
                      allHaveEnergy = allHaveEnergy + 1;
       if allHaveEnergy ~= totalNode;
   end  %%end of while
   percentage = delivered/totalDev;
   disp('Percentage: ');

For main function, the program will randomly generate 16 nodes and there is a sensor array and if the element Node Array(i) and Node Array(j) are connected, then the adjMatrix(i, j)=1. For any node that can be reached, then the node can be regarded as a child node. Finally, the figure of connection of sensors system can be plotted by using function gplot(adjMatrix, XY, ‘-*’), and the X and Y represents the coordinate of sensor node.

Then for each sensor node, the energy distribution graph is plotted. The battery of sensor absorbs the solar energy and the energy is consumed if there is data transmission between two nodes. In addition, initial energy for each node is random and the program will stop when the energy of either sensor in system is zero. The testing graph is shown below. The blue lines means two sensors are connected and red circle means energy.
Figure 2: the graph sensors network connection and energy distribution

For judging whether two nodes exist in same network, a connection matrix is constructed. The code is shown below and the method of judgement is called Multihop connectivity of arbitrary networks.

function connection = conMatrix(adjMatrix,totalNode%construct connection matrix
   bMatrix = cell(1,totalNode);
   cMatrix = cell(1,totalNode);
   for i = 1:1:totalNode
       bMatrix(i) = {zeros(totalNode,totalNode)};
       cMatrix(i) = {zeros(totalNode,totalNode)};
   cMatrix(1) = {adjMatrix};
   for m = 2:1:totalNode
       for i = 1:1:totalNode
           for j = 1:1:totalNode       
               if cMatrix{m-1}(i,:)*adjMatrix(:,j)>0 && cMatrix{m-1}(i,j) == 0
                    bMatrix{m}(i,j) = m;
               else bMatrix{m}(i,j) = 0;
               if i == j || cMatrix{m-1}(i,j) >0
                   bMatrix{m}(i,j) = 0;
               cMatrix{m}(i,j) = cMatrix{m-1}(i,j) + bMatrix{m}(i,j);
   connection = cMatrix{totalNode};

The value of element represents the number of hops between nodes.

The flooding routing protocol is achieved by the code below. For detecting whether the goal nodes have received data, an array of target nodes is built and then, if the number of sensor nodes which have data is equal to the length of array (if counter == length(to)), the program ends.

function sensorArray = Flooding(sensorArray,totalNode, from, to)
counter = 0; %%how many target nodes have received
transmissionDetector = zeros(1,totalNode);
detectorIterator = 1;
quitLoop = 0;
 for i = 1:1:totalNode
 sensorArray{i}.haveData = 0;   %%assume all node does not have data at the beginning
 sensorArray{from}.haveData = 1%% a random node detects the information
 %%start transmitting
while quitLoop ~= 1  %%begin of while
 for i = 1:1:totalNode   %%all the nodes in the node array
     for j = 1:1:length(sensorArray{i}.sub)  %% all the subnodes of a node
     [sensorArray{i},sensorArray{sensorArray{i}.sub{j}.id}] = transmitData(sensorArray{i},sensorArray{sensorArray{i}.sub{j}.id},3000000);
     %%transmit the data
     %%because the property called 'sub' only store some mappings of its sub
     %%nodes, here sensorArray{sensorArray{i}.sub{j}.id} is used to find
     %%the sub node itself, not its mapping
       counter = 0;
       for k = 1:1:length(to)
       if sensorArray{to(k)}.haveData == 1
       counter = counter + 1;
           if counter == length(to)
               detectorIterator = detectorIterator+1 ;
               for det = 1:1:totalNode
                  transmissionDetector(detectorIterator) = transmissionDetector(detectorIterator)+1;
               if transmissionDetector(detectorIterator) == transmissionDetector(detectorIterator-1)
                   quitLoop = 1;
                   quitLoop = 0;
In summary, the results above are our achievements in Week 2, and the code for gossiping had been produced which is based on flooding, but there are some bugs and the program cannot be executed.

1.     Calculate the solar energy
Last week, the curve of power vs. time for solar energy was plotted. Then according to the mathematical definition, the energy can be calculated by integration. Then according to the geometrical significance, the energy is calculated by the area of trapezoid due to the solar energy is measured every 900s.
2.     Accelerate the calculation of energy consumption

For improving operation efficiency, the size of transmission data is increasing and then the speed of energy consumption become quicker.

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