Sunday, 7 February 2016

Week 1: The Basic Arrangement Of Group

Hi, there is group project processing recording for energy harvesting, we are year 2 students of Electrical and Electric Engineering department. For energy harvesting, it is a hot engineering topic with development of technology. Energy is harvested from different energy sources through using sensors , such as solar power, wind power and various vibrations, our aim is to use MATLAB to simulate the energy of battery and try to extent network lifetime. The basic schematic diagram is shown below.

Figure 1: the basic working principle of energy system

After determining the project item last semester, the group leader was selected in group meeting. And then the leader searching some related information and academic articles, and the group has a rough understanding of energy harvesting. Although there were some problems due to large areas where the project refers to, the problem was solved by some specific examples provided by academic supervisor.

After meeting the academic supervisor with all group members, the fundamental plan was made for week one. There are three main objects for this week:
Task allocation
There are four rules in group, project manager, designer, developer and technical writer; different tasks were allocated according to advantage of each member.
Deeply understanding energy harvesting
Before experiment, doing enough preparation, searching and reading more academic documents and trying to understand the energy harvesting, and then basic frame of project can be formed.
Achieve basic code for main function
There are some achieves after experimenting, firstly four routing protocols for sensors network were determined, which respectively is flooding, gossiping, SPIN(sensor protocols for information via negotiation) and directed diffusion. And then the curve of solar energy was plotted by using MATLAB, and the curve of solar energy is shown below. For plotting the curve, we using Fourier Serious method with the data in Ashland, Ore which was searching from Internet. 
Figure 2the curve of solar energy

Secondly, a class code for data and a function code for transmitting data between two nodes were written. However, the codes have areas for improvement. The codes are shown below.
Figure 3: the class of data which contains the properties of data
Figure 4: the code for data transmission function between two nodes

Overall, the basic tasks were finished and there also are some problems about the SPIN(sensor protocols for information via negotiation) routing protocols are generated.

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